What’s up? November 2021 Roundup.

Small things matter
Most asset tracking software handle individual equipment very well but how about tracking a high volume of small items or consumables that you need for your operations, like marketing items, hand tools, machine parts, products/supplies and more!
Keeping track of your stock levels is important to:
- Ensure you don’t run out of stock of things you need for your operations or your customer service.
- Optimise your cash flow – especially helpful in these tougher times!
To help you achieve that, we’ve improved our stock management feature.
You could already see the distribution of your stock across your organisation. Now you can switch to graph view to visualise the history of stock levels (by item, location or person). The graphs are dynamic: clicking on an area in the graph will display the list of items and quantities.
Similarly, you can also keep track of quantities to order or recycle and automatically order items from your preferred suppliers.
Very soon: you’ll be able to visualise stock trends too!
Customise your assets further
You can now add more types of fields, including drop-down lists.
Enhanced filters
You could already filter records based on asset categories, now you can filter on specific assets too! Suppose you’re looking at a list of asset bookings, orders/renewals, work orders, costs or other records, it may be helpful to filter on a piece of specific equipment, person or location. You can do that now by clicking on filters.